San Jose State University
Students sitting on the Tower lawn
April 19, 2022
News from the Office of Research

One of the joys of my tenure at 菠菜网lol正规平台 so far has been meeting with the directors of each official campus center and institute (CCI) across campus. CCIs engage specific academic themes or social issues, often cross disciplinary boundaries and are a gathering place for faculty and students with shared RSCA interests. They also serve as a nucleus around which to bring in funding and thus act as main engines for 菠菜网lol正规平台’s RSCA enterprise. As recently noted by Provost Del Casino, the work of the CCIs is “driving conversations and action-based scholarship on issues that remain front and center in the public consciousness.” With over 30 CCIs, 菠菜网lol正规平台 is fortunate to have a breadth and depth of activity across a variety of important issues including transportation, banking, early childhood, and social change, to name a few.

Recently, the Academic Senate passed University Policy S22-1, which clarifies the process for starting a center or institute, as well as provides guidance for reporting, continuation, and termination. Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your interest in creating a new CCI or in participating with existing ones. Learn about 菠菜网lol正规平台’s CCIs on our website.

Richard Mocarski
Associate Vice President for Research

News from Research Development
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iMERS Grant Writing Workshop — Coming in May!
On May 17 and 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the Office of Research will host a free two-day, Interactive Mentoring to Enhance Research Skills (iMERS) workshop on National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant writing, in conjunction with the University of Kentucky iMERS program. The workshop will be held in-person in the MLK Library at 菠菜网lol正规平台. Please note that there will not be a virtual component to this event.

Workshop places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to MSI/PUI faculty, postdocs, and research development professionals from 菠菜网lol正规平台 and nationwide. If you are interested in attending please register as soon as possible.
NSF Announces New Directorate
NSF_4-Color_Resized.pngOn March 16, 2022, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan, announced a new directorate within the U.S. NSF, focused on Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP). According to Panchanathan, “NSF's TIP Directorate will accelerate discovery and innovation to rapidly bring new technologies to market and address the most pressing societal and economic challenges of our time... By pursuing new approaches that engage the nation's broad and diverse population in shaping research directions and outcomes, TIP will be a game-changer in terms of the pace of technological breakthroughs, future job growth and national competitiveness.”

The Research Development team will be monitoring for passage of the Bipartisan Innovation Act, which will ensure TIP can fund proposal requests and generate transformational change.
RSCA in Five Faculty Short Talks
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Ethnic Studies Education: New Educational Models for Equity, Diversity, and  Inclusion

The final RSCA in Five: Faculty Short Talks for the academic year 2021/22 will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 6. The subject is Ethnic Studies Education: New Educational Models for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion ( view speaker list). If you would like to present or attend, please rsvp below. The event will be introduced by the Dean of the Lurie College of Education, Dr. Heather Lattimer.
Research Development Grant Getting Workshops

The semester may be winding down, but our workshops are still going strong! Please consider attending one of our three remaining sessions, particularly if you are looking to explore fresh ways to fund your research, scholarship, and creative activity (RSCA).

  • Managing Online Scholarly Identity and Using Pivot: Monday, April 25, 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
  • Equipment Grants: Friday, May 13, 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
  • MSI/HSI Programmatic Grants: Wednesday, May 25, 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Strategic Grants Highlights for the Month

BLM Bureau of Land Management California Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Department of the Interior
Amount: $100K-$25M | Deadline: May 6, 2022

ODNI FY22 Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) Program (MSIs)

Amount: ≤ $400K | Deadline: May 24, 2022

NASA MUREP Small Business Technology Transfer (M-STTR) Research Planning Grant
Amount: ≤ $50K (for four months) | Deadline: May 27, 2022

AFOSR Air Force Fiscal Year 2023 Young Investigator Program (YIP)
Amount: ≤ $450K | Deadline: June 6, 2022

NSF Gen-4 Engineering Research Centers (ERC): Convergent Research and Innovation through Inclusive Partnerships and Workforce Development
Faculty of all disciplines are encouraged to establish partnerships as subawardees.
Deadlines: Mandatory Sponsor LOI – September 2, 2022; Preliminary Proposal – October 3, 2022; Full Proposal – May 8, 2023 (by invitation and only by the lead university)


Newly Released Limited Submissions & Upcoming Deadlines 


NIH Basic Instrumentation Grant (BIG) Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Amount: $25K$250K | Extended 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: April 29, 2022 
Sponsor Deadline: June 1, 2022

NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI: PFI-TT | PFI-RP) 
Amount: $250K–$550K | 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: April 29, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: July 13, 2022

NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Amount: $250K/yr. | 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: May 6, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: July 13, 2022NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions
Amount: $300K–$3M | 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: May 6, 2022
Required Sponsor LOI Deadline: August 1, 2022 | Proposal Deadline: November 2, 2022

NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program: Instrument Acquisition or Development
Amount: $100K–$4M | 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: May 27, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: January 19, 2023

NEH Summer Stipends
Amount: $6K | 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: June 3, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: September 21, 2022

RSCA Tip of the Month

Do you already have funding through a federal agency? If so, you may be able to increase your original award amount through a non-competitive request for “supplemental funding” to address unforeseen increased costs, or conduct extra but related “priority” research areas as designated by your funder—particularly NIH and NSF. See the details on RD’s Supplemental Funding web page.

Research Compliance News

Getting Started with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Institutional Review Board

All research that meets the federal definition of human subjects research requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to starting any work. That’s easy to say, but where should you start? Luckily, the 菠菜网lol正规平台 IRB has developed a series of helpful tools.

Does my project require IRB review?
If you need more information on the IRB process and what constitutes human subjects research, your first stop should be our videos and educational documents. The Exclusion Decision Tool is a checklist that you can use to determine whether or not your project requires IRB review. This document is for your reference only — it doesn’t need to be provided to the IRB.

I need to submit an IRB application — where do I start?
First, make sure you budget enough time for IRB approval in your research timeline. You may not begin any work with human subjects until you have IRB approval, and the IRB will not approve research retroactively.

To speed up the process, make sure your application is organized and complete. The IRB Checklist summarizes all of the documents that you will need to submit your application to the IRB. The forms and templates that you’ll need are all available online.

Before submitting your application, make sure that you proofread it carefully. Documents should be filled out completely and internally consistent (for example, the protocol and the consent form should include the same procedures). Review the forms to make sure you’ve answered every question. Also, make sure that any consent documents are written in clear, simple language that can be easily understood by a layperson. Disorganized content, poor writing, or missing attachments will slow down your review.

I’ve submitted my application  now what?
Once you send your application to, you will receive a screening email within 3-5 business days. You may also receive a communication from the IRB requesting specific revisions or clarifications. It’s important to understand that these changes aren’t optional; they are required to ensure that your project meets the regulatory and ethical requirements set by the federal government. If you don’t understand a request or don’t know how to respond, contact the IRB for clarification right away.

While following these steps will make the application process much smoother, you can always check the IRB website for help and guidance, information on collaborating with other institutions, and training resources. You can also contact the IRB if you have specific questions.
Research Foundation Updates

CSUBuy — Now Available at 菠菜网lol正规平台

CSUBUY,  the shared shopping service managed by the California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office, is now available at all CSU campuses. The shopping portal provides a vast collection of suppliers that offer products at CSU contracted prices, which leverages the buying power of all CSU campuses, and provides you with the best prices for purchases.

菠菜网lol正规平台 researchers can shop from multiple supplier catalogs (websites) at one time, and pay for purchases with an 菠菜网lol正规平台 Research Foundation (菠菜网lol正规平台RF) procurement card. Items can be shipped to an 菠菜网lol正规平台 address that is listed in CSUBUY. Research Foundation sites have been added as ship-to locations. Items cannot be shipped to an employee’s home or to any other non-菠菜网lol正规平台 address. All employees (菠菜网lol正规平台 or Research Foundation) with an 菠菜网lol正规平台One credential can access CSUBUY by logging into the portal. To learn more about this service, visit the 菠菜网lol正规平台RF CSUBuy web page.
New Research Awards
College of Education
Allison Briceno
 Teacher Education: Cultivating and Sustaining Biliteracy And Bilingualism in Multilingual Youth | Sponsor: Santa Clara University

Maria Fusaro, Emily Slusser, Andrea N. Golloher  Child & Adolescent DevelopmentCultivating and Sustaining Biliteracy And Bilingualism in Multilingual Youth | Sponsor: SSPC Mobility LABs Pilot Project Consultation

Tammie Visintainer  
Teacher Education: CAREER: Transforming Science Teaching & Learning in K-12 Schools: Empowering Teachers & Students as Climate Justice Action Researchers & Change Agents | Sponsor: National Science Foundation

College of Engineering
Gaojian Huang  Industrial Systems Engineering: CRII: HCC: Human-Automation Interaction: Assistive and Adaptive Multimodal Interface to Support Older Adults in Complex Automated Systems | Sponsor: National Science Foundation 

Ozgur Keles – Biomedical, Chemical and Material Engineering: CAREER: Multi-scale Mechanical Behavior of Quantum Dot Nanocomposites: Towards Data-driven Automatic Discovery of High-performance Structures  | Sponsor: National Science Foundation 

Saied Bashash
 Mechanical Engineering: Battery State-of-Health Estimation and Extension in Microgrid Operation
 | Sponsor: Gridscape Solutions

College of Humanities & The Arts
Selena Anderson — English & Comparative Literature: Center for Literary Arts — Local Arts Grant 2021-2022 | SponsorSilicon Valley Creates

College of Science
Edward Thornton   Moss Landing Marine Laboratory: Coastal Land-Air-Sea Interaction-Thornton Portion | Sponsor: Office of Naval Research

Ferdinand D. Rivera, Lisa Simpson
 Mathematics & Statistics: Developing 21st Century Inclusive- and Mathematical Literacy-Driven Middle School and High School Mathematics Teachers | Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Marco Sigala  Moss Landing Marine Laboratory: 2022 TNA Reporting | Sponsor: Central Coast Water Quality Preservation

College of Social Sciences
Lesther Papa  Psychology: Meaningful Crosscultural Connection: Seeing the Humanity in Each Other | Sponsor: CSU Fullerton

Melissa Beresford  Anthropology: CAREER: Moral Economies in Water Markets: Implications for Understanding Human Responses to Water Insecurity in Market-Driven Economies | Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Randall Mumaw – Psychology: Autoflight Issue Analysis and Design Recommendations | Sponsor: Boeing North American, Inc.

Yvonne Kwan – Environmental Studies: Local Asian American Activists Oral History Project  Sponsor: Santa Clara County

Provost/Sr. VP Academic & Student Affairs
Elena Klaw, Andrea Tully  Undergraduate Studies
CaliforniansForAll College Service Program | Sponsor: California Volunteers

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San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192

Last Updated Sep 22, 2023